Sunday 9 January 2011

What Does Spyware Do to Your Computer and How to Remove It

It is estimated that 9 out of 10 computers have some sort of spyware that has infected your computer. Here we are going to discuss some things that spyware can do to your computer. We are also gonna discuss how to remove it and prevent it from coming back.

What can spyware do to your computer?

Spyware can cause your computer to go very slow and sometimes it may even freeze or crash. People with Spyware on their computer don't even realize that there computer is infected with spyware because it runs in the background where you cant see it. It will also hijack your personal information like credit card numbers, financial information, and passwords. These are the most common. There is probably more that can get hijacked by spyware on your computer but these above are just some most common examples. Spyware was designed to be hard to remove. If you try to uninstall it like you would uninstall any other program, it will most likely show back up when you reboot your computer.

What can you do to remove spyware from your computer?

There are a good bit of quality spyware removal programs out there on the internet. A good basic tool that I like and works very well and it is called Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware. The best part about that program is that it is FREE!. They do have a paid version but the free version works just fine. Another one I would suggest is Ad Aware SE by LavaSoft which is free as well. AVG antispyware is a good one too. You will want to sure that you update the program after installing it. That goes for any spyware removal software program.

Remember that no spyware removal program is perfect. Each program is different and some may provide better results then others.

What can you do to keep your computer spyware free?

You should make sure you scan your computer once a week with your chosen spyware removal program to keep your computer working at its best potential and also protect your files and personal data.

You should consider running more then one anti spyware program on your computer (one scan at a time of course). This way you have a better chance of keeping your computer spyware free.

What should I do before I attempt to download a spyware removal program?

Research Google for reviews or ratings on the program that you are wanting to download. Make sure they are a good program that works and that the program is popular. If you don't do your research on the program, there is a small chance that you will end up with a paper weight program that don't do a very good job of removing the spyware and you will have to uninstall it so the program doesn't take up space on your hard drive. The junk spyware removal programs can also be spyware in disguise as well. So be careful and do some reaseach before downloading any program.

Thanks for reading my article about removing spyware.

Check us out at - If you need help with a computer problem or need a professional to remove the spyware then we can help.

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