Tuesday 16 June 2009

Solaris Express Community Edition build 115 and a problem with Input Methods

It isn't apparent yet in the announce section of OpenSolaris website but Sun unsupported Solaris Express Community Edition build 115 has been released. You can see changelogs, as usual, at these addresses:
As far as it concerns myself, this release introduces no bug fixes nor RFE I was interested into and your interest may vary depending on the hardware you're running SXCE onto and the OS features you're using.

Nevertheless, I downloaded the DVD image and Live Upgraded my SXCE build 114. Everything went fine with no package installation errors and very little cleanup.

When I booted build 115 I noticed a renewed Volume Control User Interface and experienced a blocking problem: Input Methods weren't working anymore. They just didn't work.

A search on Google was fruitless so I posted a message on the i18n discussion mailing list at OpenSolaris.org and a Sun Engineer gave me a quick response: it's a bug introduced in build 115 and fixed in build 117 (http://defect.opensolaris.org/bz/show_bug.cgi?id=9109).

The workaround is very simple:
# touch /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/im-iiim.so
# svcadm restart desktop-cache/input-method-cache
and then just logout and login.

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