Friday 19 June 2009

Solaris Express Community Edition, build 116

This time it wasn't announced: Solaris Express Community Edition build 116 is available for download. Changelogs are here:
It seems there's no bug I'm hitting was fixed in build 116 (while yes, there's a bug I'm waiting build 117 for!). Nevertheless live upgrading is so easy that I'm not missing the opportunity of upgrading my system, as I already explained you in another post.

This time I've experienced a couple of glitches but nothing important: the result is perfectly functioning, as usual. I've hit some minor and inexplicable problems quickly solved:
The issues were partially solved and I'm now happily running my Solaris Express Community Edition build 116.

Haven't you downloaded Solaris or OpenSolaris yet? Don't know what you're waiting for.

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