Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Loreena McKennitt forced to cancel festival appearance in Fez, Morocco

Today I received this news: Loreena canceled her appearence at the Festival of World Sacred Music, which will be held in Fez, Morocco. Loreena McKennitt official website reports the news quoting Loreena:

I’m facing a grave family emergency and being away from home at this time is not an option. It is most difficult to make this unprecedented decision to cancel a concert so close to its date.

I planned to go there with my girlfriend, it would have been the opportunity to see Loreena's concert and to visit Fez, a city I visitied twice and that I liked very much. Unfortunately (well, that's what I thought...) the agency was not able to provide us an accommodation on time and that's why we opted for Crete.

I'm really sorry to hear about Loreena's troubles, whatever they be. So many time she accompanied me through the journey of my life, comforting me through the embrace of the music I'd love most, speaking to my soul as only few friends can do. It's time to pay my dues.

I wish everything went fine for you.

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