Friday 28 January 2011

KDE Version 4.6.0 Released - Integrates Support For Mobile Devices

KDE team has released version 4.6.0 of its flagship product - The KDE Desktop. This is a major release that  brings lots of improvements, and  which promises a far better user experience.

The notable enhancements you will find in KDE 4.6.0 are as follows -
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Sunday 23 January 2011

HTML5 will henceforth be known as just HTML

HTML5 is the next major version of HTML and is widely considered future of the Web. In particular, HTML5 adds many new syntax features. These include <video>, <audio> and <canvas> elements as well as integration of SVG content, which are designed to improve the inclusion and handling of multimedia and graphic content on the web without recourse to proprietary plugins and their APIs [Source : Wikipedia].
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Saturday 22 January 2011

Ubuntu Might Ship With Qt Libraries

In future iterations of Ubuntu (Natty and onwards), Ubuntu CD might ship with Qt libraries - Mark Shuttleworth noted in one of his blog post.

The basic premise behind this announcement is that it is the quality and usability of the application (to be included) that is important; the choice of toolkit should be irrelevant.
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XFCE 4.8 has been released

XFCE is a lightweight desktop environment that aims to be fast and low on system resources. Nearly after a 2 years hiatus, XFCE has released version 4.8. A number of new features have made their way into XFCE ver 4.8. Some of them being the ability to browse remote shares using a variety of protocols, a redesign of the XFCE panel thus improving positioning, transparency, item and launcher management, a new menu plugin to view directories, improved keyboard layout selection, and more.

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Thursday 20 January 2011

First Look At GNOME 3 Prior To Its Release

GNOME 3, due for release in April 2011, is going to be revolutionary. The Desktop is designed to reduce distraction and interruption and to put the user in control. Messaging has been seamlessly integrated into the desktop. An improved file manager, redesigned work spaces, and better accessibility are some of the notable improvements.

The GNOME Project has published a new website showcasing the GNOME 3 Desktop environment.

If you are really interested in trying out GNOME 3 just now,you can do so by compiling it yourself using GNOME's JHBuild sandboxing tool.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Home Computer - Green, Palm Sized Computer For Rs 5000

elLoka Techsolutions Pvt Ltd a Hyderabad based product design and manufacturing company that delivers Ultra Low Cost Computer Platforms(ULCCP), has come up with a palm-sized computer that is very cheap and consumes very little power.

The computer is on display at the Rambagh SMS Convention center in Jaipur, Rajasthan where a three-day Commonwealth and information technology meet is on.

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Pinguy OS - An Ubuntu Based Linux Distribution on Steroids

Ubuntu has helped spawn umpteen Linux distributions. Pinguy OS is yet another Linux distribution based on Ubuntu (version 10.10 to be exact).

Pinguy OS is targeted at lay persons - people who are going to use Linux for the first time, or those who want an out-of-box working OS.
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Tuesday 18 January 2011

1 Second Linux Boot - And It Is No Gimmick !

It is said a picture is worth a 1000 words. In this case, instead of a picture, the following video demonstrates Linux booting to a GUI in a mere 1 second.

And this is what the people who implemented this awesome feat have to say about this exercise (and I quote).
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Sunday 16 January 2011

Cover Thumbnailer - How to install in Ubuntu Linux

Cover Thumbnailer is a small Python script which displays music/video album covers in Nautilus in place of ordinary icons of folders, preview of pictures in a folder and more.

It is similar to what you see in Microsoft Windows 7 where the folder shows a preview of the pictures contained in it.
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Friday 14 January 2011

GNUCash 2.4.0 has been released

GNUCash - for those in the dark - is a Free accounting package which you can use to keep track of your net worth, your income, and expenses. It operates under the double entry accounting principle.

If you are not aware of double entry accounting, let me direct you to a wonderful article called "A day in the life of Dave the Dollar" which explains this concept in simple layman terms. In fact, a few years back, it was this very article which persuaded me to start using GNUCash in the first place.

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Thursday 13 January 2011

10 Do's And Dont's For System Administrators

System Administrators have an unenviable job. They have to work odd hours ensuring the computers in your office run without a glitch. And people tend to think of System Administrators only when their machines start misbehaving. Obviously they have their work cut out for them.

CHIMIT (Computer-Human Interaction for Management of Information Technology) is a conference that focuses on computer-human interaction for IT workers. Recently they asked what would make the System Administrator's job a wee bit easier than usual.

And the following are the prominent answers they received from the ensuing brainstorming session -
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Linux Ate My RAM - Help!

Help! Linux ate my Memory. Did it indeed?
I was curious where my memory had gone because, when I fired up a terminal and typed the command -

$ free -m

I got the following output.

total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem: 882 843 38 0 86 424
-/+ buffers/cache: 332 549
Swap: 0 0 0

From a total of 882 MB, 843 MB has been used leaving only a measly 38 MB free for my use. How is that possible ?

Well, I stumbled upon an interesting website which explains in detail just this conundrum.

The website is (and you might have guessed it right!) And after reading through the website, I figured out that the whole thing is just a play of words. What you consider free is indeed free, but Linux chooses to call it 'used' because this memory is both used for something and at same time available for applications. Since your and Linux's terminology differs, you think you are low on RAM when you're not.Get it ?

Wednesday 12 January 2011

KDE 4.5.4 for Windows Released

KDE Windows team has rolled out the latest iteration of KDE 4.5.4 for Windows.

With all the advances made, KDE developers say KDE for Windows is still not ready for stable use. However, the latest version KDE 4.5.4 compilation for Windows brings with it a number of features which would convince end users and developers to give it a try.

Patrick Spendrin the Release Manager of the KDE for Windows initiative explains why KDE could do well on the Windows platform in this lengthy interview he gave Pau Garcia i Quiles.

You can download the latest version of KDE 4.5.4 for Windows from here.

Monday 10 January 2011

64 Bit Registry Cleaner - Improve Your PC Speed!

If your computer is unusually slow? Suddenly you find errors mysterious and makes your PC crash? Do not freeze or shut down PC applications often without their consent? If all of these problems are not immediately blame your hardware or operating system (OS). Even with 64-bit versions of Windows and the latest processor, the computer is not immune to a record surge. The best decision I can do is buy a 64-bit registry cleaner.

What is a registry cleaner?
Registry cleaner and fixer is software scans and repairs the computer record. The record is a part of the operating system that contains information about how to run the programs. Drivers, configuration and commissioning and installation information can be found in the registry. If you are using Windows for a long time, registration can be confusing. Some traces of uninstalling the software and data. If the record is complicated, the operating system find it difficult to run programs.

32-bit vs 64 bit - What is the difference?
More and more computers are installed with 64-bit operating systems and applications. A popular Windows operating system is 32 bit and 64 bit operating system. The younger they are approved and widely used Windows XP systems, Vista and Seven. At first glance, you can not tell the difference between 64 of the previous 32-bit systems. However, the software structure and how 64-bit systems are working at a higher level. In a nutshell, it can handle more RAM, but requires more processing power of the CPU. only supports 64-bit registry cleaner with the compatibility of these systems out.

What can a Registry Software do for me?

64-bit Registry Cleaner can speed up your computer at startup and application launch. You can prevent freezing and the onset of the dreaded blue screen of death. The cleaner is equipped with a maintenance function with a single click. Even for complete novices to the structure of the operating system to restore your system with a single click. It will automatically scan your system registry defective, wrong keys and junk. Junk files are of no use, data or remnants of previous installations. Is again the computer processing speed, as the new brand.

The 64-bit registry cleaner also comes with a backup feature of registration. You can compile the current state of your system and save it to your hard drive. Sometimes, poor facilities and adjustments to crash or become unstable. It is important to create a restore point. This way you can help protect your valuable data and settings.

Purchase Registry Cleaner - Guide to Look for the Best

Computer, a variety of tasks. Can be used for data evaluation, research and also for verification of employee data. Are used in restaurants, public institutions, offices, schools and even in small communities. Various professionals such as architects, lawyers, doctors and teachers use computers, so it will be able to complete their tasks easily. Since many people use computers, there are a lot of files and folders that are usually left on the hard disk. These files can be friendly at first, but as they grow, users might feel shocked, as a rule, they have their computers are slow. To avoid such a disaster, people should purchase registry cleaner applications. Cleaning products are designed not only to the source system, but also for various institutions. Schools with many files and records for students to use a cleaning tool, so that his team would be overloaded with data freely.

There are a lot of features when it comes to registry cleaners and repair requests. Some of them have the skills for a team that has a year to clean the unused files. Some cleaners can remove temporary files on the browser and operating system word applications. There are some who will remove the files stored in other applications. Others may also defragment a system while cleaning the registry.If you are planning to look for one be sure to purchase registry cleaner applications with a lot of uses. You can spend your money on a useless application, only for a few months. If you have no idea what to buy, then visit several websites and forums for various applications. For example, a blog that rank the prices and levels of different registry cleaners. The blog offers tips on what to expect when you buy a clean operation and the best applications on the market.

Another site that you can visit so that you can purchase registry cleaner applications is Amazon. This place is much cleaner applications and virus protection programs for users. However, you must ensure that applications that want to buy at your level and budget. Some cleaning products are not only expensive, but very difficult to use. If you would purchase registry cleaner applications that are hard to control, then your system might not accept it. In fact, there are some registry cleaners that automatically turns on and off when not in use daily. If the team would be an automatic search, then all tasks would certainly be too slow. You need a cleaner, a control module date, then only the date and type of each scan. You can also purchase an application that has a lot of features such as defragmenting, Retriever deleted data, an optimized application and system error reports.

Medical Business Systems Secure your Medical Records

Medical Business Systems also provides solutions for electronic medical records, electronic data interchange, practice management system and other IT support service to the healthcare providing companies in New York and its surroundings. MBS offers the support with the steps in making the IT operations more efficient, streamlined and cost effective. The do so in following manners:

Need Assessment and Plan – the sales team member of MBS discuss your business need, your budget and the time-line. With this information they make the software, support and necessary hardware which help in planning the system conversion.

System Implementation – MBS experts take care of all the hardware, network setups and software and provide the onsite training to the employees. They also offer the preparatory training in their classrooms and also online training programs which enable the employees fully utilize the new system from the beginning.

Flexible customer support option – their software and hardware teams provide prompt help in case of any system related problems with telephonic assistance and on site visit by their specialists. They also have a 24 hr customer support system. The additional services include customization of the system and integration with the website.

Consulting and Project Management Services – when the business of their client grows, the system needs to accommodate the growing demands. Their consulting & Project management service helps the companies re assess the IT needs and decide the changes required. They help in planning and implementation of the smooth transition when a change in software or hardware is needed.

Custom reporting and Modifications – MBS programming staff work to make the customized modification to the software system, which allows the companies to generate the custom reports and perform the large data conversation.

Website Service - The website service of MBS includes web designing, hosting, search engine optimization & integration of system. A friendly website helps in attracting more patients and allows the companies offer other valuable service to the customers through secure web patient portals designed by Medical Business Systems.

How to Repair Errors caused by User32 DLL

The user32.dll error file serves as Microsoft's implementation of the shared library concept in the Microsoft Windows operating systems. The user32.dll error file contains Windows API functions, such as user input, window management, and text that allow programs to implement a graphical user interface.

During 32-bit Windows,user avtivex is realized in ComCtl32,but some of whose display function are realized in User32.dll.For instance,a non-client area of a window(frame and menu) is completed by User32.dll.User32.dll is a core of activex in operating system,which is tightly linked with operating system.That is to say, User32.dll differ in diverse Windows.As a result,application running in different Windows will make the interface of application a slightly difference because of diverse User32.dll.

Generally, when the computer encounter any issues with the language packs and their related DLL files, the following messages are displayed:

  • "usr32.dll Not Found"
  • "This application failed to start because user32.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
  • "Cannot find user32.dll"
  • "The file user32.dll is missing."
  • "Cannot start [APPLICATION]. A required component is missing: user32.dll. Please install the application again."

How to Fix It

  1. Resort to Windows Upgrade to get any fixing programmes corresponding User32.dll
  2. If User32.dll Error happens in the course or after application,driver installation finished,please uninstall them and reboot,the last reinstall them.
  3. Resort to system restore service.

You can easily fix the error by one click if you go tho our website and download user32.dll errors fix tutorial.

Apple Reveals

Apple CEO Steve Jobs previewed the next operating system for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad today in Cupertino, CA.

The company's new mobile advertising platform, called iAds, is built into the operating system--application developers will be able to use it to sell ads and will get 60 percent of the revenue.

Mobile advertising is seen as a potential goldmine because, at least in theory, advertisements can be tailored to a person's precise location and activity.

The announcement will intensify competition between Apple and Google in the mobile arena. The search giant bought the mobile advertising company, AdMob, from under Apple's nose last November. Shortly after, Apple acquired another mobile advertising firm Quattro Wireless.
The new OS also includes a feature that users have been clamoring after for a while: the ability to perform more than one application task at once.

This will make Apple's devices a lot more capable. For example, an iPhone user will be able to dash out an email while listening to music with the Pandora app, or make a phone call while location-based software continues to collect and send data.

Multitasking has been a major selling point for Google's competing Android platform. But Apple's new operating system won't be as fully functional as Android. Instead, Apple is exposing multitasking capabilities through several specific application programming interfaces, which means they must be used in specific ways.

Jobs explained the long delay in bringing multitasking to Apple devices by saying that, if not engineered well, these capabilities can drain Apple Laptop Battery such as Apple A1175 Battery and Apple A1079 Battery life and introduce performance issues.

The new operating system is expected to come to newer models of the iPhone and iPod Touch this summer, and to the iPad later this fall. Earlier models (including the 2008 iPhone 3G) will not get all the update's new features.

Insurance for Laptop Computers That Comes Highly Recommended

Why do you think having a laptop warranty is essential? Is it really that important to avail of a warranty plan even if your newly-bought laptop seems perfect and indestructible? You might be very careful when handling or when using your laptop but even without doing anything wrong to your laptop, it can fail on its own. However great manufacturers claim their products are, most products still fall short of peoples' expectations. Your product may be the best among the rest but if you do not know how to take care of it properly, problems are definitely to be expected. Apparently, malfunctions in laptop computers occur in one out of three laptops, a study done by SquareTrade concluded. Truly, nothing is immune to technological disasters. This is one basic reason why you ought to have insurance for laptop computers. You never know when your laptop will malfunction. Therefore, you have to be prepared.

However, most of the time, laptop users are not as cautious as how we think they should be. In fact, most laptop users commit very simple mistakes that surprisingly lead to the destruction of their most beloved laptops. People make mistakes and mistakes related to technology are not exempted. Most of you probably have dropped your laptop several times, have bumped your laptop onto another hard surface or have spilled water or other types of liquid into your laptop. In general, these mistakes are highly avoidable but somehow, accidents really do happen. Therefore, it is extremely recommended to acquire an insurance for laptop computers. This way, your laptop will be protected from accidents such as drops or spills.

Acquiring a laptop is undoubtedly costly but acquiring another laptop just because the former suddenly malfunctioned and you could not do anything about it is disappointingly and dejectedly very expensive and impractical. It is definitely far less costly if at the beginning of your date of purchase, you already are assured that you have a trusted company that will take care of and fix your laptop as soon as it is destroyed to prevent further destruction which might result from the delay in the fixing process. At, the number one online provider of warranties for products, your item will be taken care of in five days or else, the service will be considered free and the money you spent for your warranty plan or for your insurance for laptop computers will be returned to you.

Many of us do not actually recognize the gravity of the problem or the amount of money we have spent or even the importance of the gadgets that we use unless these items are far form our sight – broken, destroyed and frighteningly needed to be replaced.

It is therefore highly recommended to spare ourselves from regret and put our trust on by availing of their insurance for laptop computers. If you have further inquiries regarding's insurance for laptop computers or other products for that matter, you can go visit its site now. From there you will definitely be at a great starting point.

If you would like to save a few extra bucks on your warranty, try using the current Squaretrade coupon for an additional discount. The link will take you to a page with weekly updated codes. Enjoy! HP Certification HP2-T18 Test Questions

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Which type of customers face challenges that are addressed by HP BladeSystems?
A. startup businesses without dedicated IT staff
B. new customers implementing their first SAN storage arrays
C. customers in emerging business markets with new rack servers
D. enterprise customers looking to postponemigrating their data centers
Answer: C
What are the key pillars where HP applies its research and development resources? (Select three.)
A. advanced training and education
B. power and cooling efficiency
C. strong partnerships
D. new technology development
E. business production processes
F. insight into solving customer problems
Answer: B,D,E

With Killtest HP certification HP2-T18 test questions, you can get the certification easily, try them now. Related exam: HP2-T17

8 Tips for Troubleshooting a Commercial Wireless Network

When a commercial wireless network goes down, the whole company suffers. Many companies rely solely on the Internet to run their businesses, so if no one can connect, work will not be done. In some cases, this can cause the company a large amount of money in a very short amount of time.

The key to troubleshooting a commercial wireless network problem is to know where common problems occur. That way you can check those first and hopefully be able to get the employees back to work quickly. Here are 8 things to check while troubleshooting wireless network connection.

Check the wires and wireless network adapter. Make sure all the wires are plugged in to the router correctly and that the power cord is connected to the power source. The lights of the router should be glowing and the cable/DSL modem should be on. Also check that the wireless network adapter is switched to ‘on.' If you have Windows, go to the device manager and check that your wireless network adapted is on. If you have a USB wireless adapter try removing it and replacing it so Windows can re-detect it.

Check the signal strength: There are many things that could cause the signal of your wireless access point to affect the performance of your network. Some appliances can cause interference with your wireless network. For this reason, keep cordless phones, microwaves and other electrical equipment a mile away from the wireless router. Another thing you can do it try changing the channels on the access point, this could help your signal become stronger.

Make sure you have the correct device driver installed. If you don't have the right device driver for your wireless network adapter it can cause all kinds of problems or your adapter may not work at all.

Install a repeater. If all you are looking for is a performance boost, install a repeater. This will receive the signal and boost the range of your network.

Change the position of your access point antenna. This can sometimes improve the performance of your commercial wireless network. Play around with the position and see if you notice a difference. Try to put it in a place where it avoids obstacles and reflective surfaces, like near the ceiling.

Change the antenna of your access point. Changing the actual antenna can increase signal range and performance.

Check Your Network Settings: In order for your PC or laptop to get on the wireless network it needs to be able to connect to an IP address from your wireless connection. If it can't grab the address, you will not connect. First, make sure your Internet connection is up by using this command prompt in Windows (windows key + R then type CMD enter). Then type in ping enter. This is the address for your wireless connection if you have a linksys connection. Once you ping your address, you should expect a reply back from your computer. If you get an error that says "request timed out" or "destination unreachable" that means there's a problem with the communications link.

Double check your WEP/WPA encyption keys. Wireless encryption varies depending on which type of network you are on. If you're on Windows XP, on the Association tab of your wireless network properties, make sure your network key was entered correctly and is the right one for the network you're attempting to connect to.

There is nothing more annoying than setting up a wireless network at work then having to deal with the problem of being unable to connect. Following these tips will make troubleshooting your commercial wireless network problem much easier so you and your employees can get back to work. If your network is down, don't be too quick to blame the equipment or the computer installation tech. Odds are you have a tiny problem that has been overlooked and can be fixed quickly and easily.

What to Do If You Need Mobile BroadBand Abroad?

Mobile broadband users in last three years have seen a reduction of up to 75 per cent in mobile broadband contract costs for use in the UK and USA many unsuspecting users could still be in for an unpleasant surprise upon receiving their bills if they use their mobile broadband connection abroad. Downloading movies or streaming content from such services as BBC's iPlayer could put a huge dent in your pocket.

If you want to make use of streaming services, or want to download large files, you try and find one of the many free Wi-Fi access points, many of which are available at hotels and cafes.Where you can use your Computers, laptops, iPads and wireless Printers without any charge.

Another alternative would be to purchase a mobile broadband pay as you go dongle from a supplier locally; an excellent alternative to receiving a heart-stopping bill.

Consumers need to do some research about mobile broadband before buying the first available package. Tariffs differ from country to country as well as from service provider to service provider. Many UK and USA providers, for instance, have a different charge for roaming in EU countries than for roaming in non-EU countries.

Laptops Travellers should must check with their mobile providers to see if they do not have a "travel tariff" for those wishing to travel in Europe. They could possibly have a package that offers cheaper mobile broadband prices whilst abroad.

Regulators still have their work cut out for them with regards to pushing providers to drop mobile broadband usage charges, mobile broadband experts believes that the rates are not currently at an acceptable level. He says that overcharging for mobile data when used in a different country is a short-term strategy; one which could damage the industry and wireless broadband as a product's reputation.

Experts believes that many consumers would invest in a mobile broadband dongle if the technology was made more accessible, which in turn would grow suppliers' subscribe base.

wimax vs lte the showdown

Verizon is holding a conference to unveil its 4G network.
A while back, the news was made official: WiMAX and LTE are the only existing 4G technologies. Both offer similar speed, and as far as the end consumer is concerned, they are both the same – simply 4G (Just like 3G is simply 3G, not UMTS or CDMA2000).
But here's the problem: Some companies are fond of LTE while others are fond of WiMAX. And both of them want to ensure that their favoured technology is the only one left standing. Neither of them have made it to the market in a big way yet. And the stakes here are big. Right from the hardware manufacturers to the software deployers, everyone is involved in the fight. Billions of dollars are at stake, as is the pride of the big companies.
In a way, it's GSM vs CDMA all over again. Except this time the fight is much closer.
The sides at war
The heart of the battle currently seems to be in the US. Nevermind the fact that their networks are one of the worst in the world. The WiMAX vs LTE battle has truly started there.
Verizon will be launching its LTE networks on December 5. That will mark its foray into the 4G market. But guess who beat it to the punch? Sprint, in partnership with Clearwire. And it did so using WiMAX.
Verizon and Sprint are among US's four biggest telecom players, and they are supporting different technologies. AT&T and T-Mobile have hinted that their 4G technology, when they launch it, will be based on LTE.
The biggest mobile manufacturer in the world, Nokia, supports LTE. True, it doesn't have a major presence in the US, but Nokia can pull plenty of strings to swing the favor in balance on LTE.
One of the biggest telecom markets in the world might get LTE. We are talking about India, which recently auctioned its 4G spectrum. A Part of the spectrum was bought by an unknown company – Infotel, later bought by Mukesh Ambani. It has been announced that he will be using LTE. Qualcomm, which also has 4G spectrum in India, loves LTE too.
In many Asian countries, however, there already exists a Wimax network, such as the P1 network in Malaysia. In such places, they might prefer upgrading to WiMAX rather than switching to a completely new technology.
Both WiMAX and LTE seem to be getting a lot of support. Their fates hang in balance at the moment.What's at stake?
At stake are billions of dollars. We are talking about hardware manufacturers that have started making hardware compatible with either LTE or WiMAX. We are talking about telecom operators that have invested heavily into buying hardware. We are talking about people in IT who have set up the networks for these telecom operators. We are talking about mobile manufacturers that have drawn up plans to manufacture, or have already manufactured, mobile phones compatible with either of the technologies.
We are also talking about the pride of huge corporations. Verizon, Sprint, Nokia, Reliance… These are not companies that like to lose. These are companies that will do anything to ensure that their favoured technology emerges victorious.Is any one technology better than the other?
The problem is amplified because neither technology trumps the other. A choice between the two technologies is simply a matter of preference for the most part (except when operators have already invested in hardware). The end user wouldn't notice which technology is being used.
In the case of GSM vs CDMA, the differences were a lot clearer. For the users, it was the ability to easily switch mobile phones as and when they wished. For the operators, it was a question of better sound quality (CDMA) vs lower complexity (GSM).
For WiMAX vs LTE, however, the odds are more even. WiMAX has had a faster time to market, but that as failed to give it a comprehensive lead. WiMAX has faster theoretical speeds, but that too is irrelevant in practice. One thing WiMAX doesn't have, however, is widespread industry support.
History shows that it is not always the better technology that wins. Remember VHS? Of course you do…they were everywhere. What about Betamax? No?
Betamax was the better technology, though a tad bit more expensive than VHS. The industry went for the cheaper standard. And Betamax lost the war.
The battle of Betamax vs VHS was not too different from WiMAX vs LTE.LTE's Ace. WiMAX's Hope.
(Image Source)
When the biggest telecom companies in the US – AT&T and Verizon– and the biggest mobile phone manufacturer in the world – Nokia – support the same technology, what are the odds that WiMAX will survive? True, we have been looking at the US scenario throughout, but the outcome of the US battle will affect the rest of the world as well.
WiMAX's only hope at the present seems to be the Asia-Pacific region where operators still haven't made a decision about the 4G technology of choice, and where Wimax 1 is more prevalent. Chances are if countries like India, Korea, etc choose WiMAX over LTE, WiMAX might still have a fighting chance.
While this battle rages on, however, you can grab a pop corn and enjoy the fight. Whichever technology wins in the end, you can be assured of faster speeds on your mobile phones and mobile devices.

Best Wireless Router For Home - Buyers Guide

Looking at buying a wireless router for home may seem like a daunting task if you don't know what all the different variables are in a router. This is not the truth and with a simple explanation of the seemingly complex routers you can very easily pick the one that is right for you and your family.

The first thing you are going to want to look at is the type of wireless cards you have for your laptops or desktops. There are several different wavelengths of signals that are used and you want to match your router to your laptop or desktop. The current signals are 802.11, 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g and 802.11n. Check what type of wireless card your computer has so they are compatible.

The signal types also account for the distance the router sends out the wireless signal. It is said that (G) and (B) travel 150 feet indoors and 300 feet outdoors. Which is a pretty good distance for most houses as you wont be going much further than that in the house unless you have some type of shed or outdoor patio you'd like to use your wireless from. The (A) signal will get about 1/3 the distance as the previous two. The (A) seems to be old technology and is slowly being phased out of production. Be sure to try to avoid getting this type of wireless card if possible.

Now that we understand what TYPE of wireless router we want, which brand is the best? What is the best wireless router for home? Which is the easiest to set up?

Linksys is the leading brand when it comes to routers. Although if you have an Apple or Mac you will want to go with the Airport Extreme because it was designed to be used with that brand and will be a breeze to set up. So picking up a linksys router will be the easiest products to deal with. They are usually very straight forward. Now you'll want to stay away from the extremely cheap routers as they will require a lot of additional steps to correctly set them up and offer less user friendly options. A mid priced linksys router will be the way to go. The high end high priced routers will usually just get you more range and are designed for bigger office spaces and buildings.

Other brands to consider if the Linksys doesn't fit your style are the Belkin and NETGEAR routers. They are both very solid brands and you will most definitely be happy with that choice. A wireless router gives you ultimate freedom in being anywhere in the house and being able to instantly connect to the internet with no wires. Once you get a wireless router you can really never go back to the way things used to be. It's amazing to be able to lay in bed with your laptop and just simply click on an icon and BOOM you are connected to the internet and did not have to connect any more wires to your laptop.

Linksys E3000 Review

With any electronic product that you come across there will be pro's and con's. If the pro's suit your needs and the con's are negligible then it's a win for us. Sometimes the con's slip over into the area's that we don't want them to and this is where we make a decision to move on and find something better. Let's see how big the pro's are for the Linksys E300 and see if it can overshadow the con's it has, if any.

Let's first look at the technical aspects of the router to make sure it is fitting your requirements. It has all the standard wireless signal capabilities: draft 802.11n, 802.11a, 802.11g, 802.11b, 802.3, 802.3u, 802.3ab. It will be compatible with any wireless card that you have in your laptop or desktop. It has Power, Ethernet, Internet, and USB ports to enable all computer to internet connections as well as connections for your computers, gaming systems, HDTV's, and Blu-ray devices that are internet enabled. LED's are used for indications of internet connection, power, USB connection, and ethernet connection. These are great standard features and should be sufficient for any home wireless applications you will need.

Now let's list of all the pro's of this router that makes it stand out over the competition for the price range that it is in. Firstly it is a beautiful sleek looking design. It is one of the more aesthetically pleasing routers that we review on our site, it will be love at first site. All antenna's are hidden in the body of the router itself to make for a more sleek looking product as well as being more compact. This is a plus as some routers have 3 or more antenna's that can get annoying with all the wires and chords you have around computers, things get tangled. The Linksys E3000 comes with an incredibly easy installation disk. Simply plop it into your hard drive and follow the on screen setup instructions. You'll be required to plug in cables and turn it on, configure your router to connect to the internet (complex sounding, easy with the install guide), create your wireless network name (AKA: SSID), choosing optional encryption, and if encrypted choosing a password. This whole process should take 5 minutes for someone who is even slightly familiar with computers.

This is a great list of pro's, not only do you get every single standard feature that comes with all routers nowadays but you get the bonuses of convenience and compactness. Let's list off the con's to see if their enough to want stay away from the product. The biggest disappointment of the E3000 is that it doesn't support USB printers. If it did, you would be able to plug the printer directly into the router and send signals to the router itself from your computer to print, meaning you could have the printer in one location and wirelessly print from anywhere in the house. This really came to be the only major downside to this router. Some small downsides were the Media Server feature doesn't process as well as one would expect, and the desktop application doesn't allow manual editing of router settings which we don't find a big deal since if you know how to manually edit the router you wont really need an application to get to it.

Linksys E1000 Review

There are three Linksys E series routers: the E1000, E2000, and the E3000. The E1000 is the most inexpensive and lowest end router in the series. But just because it costs the least, doesn't mean it is worthless. This wireless router has been found to be reliable and easy to use, but you wont get the huge range and deluxe features of the E2000 and E3000.

Let's see what comes standard on this bad boy. It comes standard with all the wireless signals you'll need: 802.11n, 802.11g, 802.11b, 802.3, and 802.3u. Security comes with WEP, WPA, WPA2, and up to 128 bit encryption. It hits up to 300 MB/s as well.

For the person just looking to easily slap on a good inexpensive router and head straight to the internet without wanting to hook up every single piece of electronic equipment in their house to the router this is all that's needed.

Now let's take a look at what we found the pro's and con's to be of the system.

Let's start the pro's off with how easy it is to install. Unlike the old days where you had to manually type in IP addresses and macro numbers the new routers such as this come with easy installation CD's, and just like the name implies it's very easy to install. Throw the CD in the disk drive and follow the onscreen instructions and your router will be setup within 5 minutes, there's not much confusion with something so simple. The higher end products may get a bit more complex but they too have easy installation now. Even though it is a basic router, there are a few advanced features we'd like to mention. Parental controls are easily used and can limit what rating and how long logged on users can use the internet. Separate networks can also be setup, one for the adults and one for the kids, with the kids having access to only g rated parts of the internet and time limitations while the adult network is limitless. Lastly, as with all Linksys routers, the E1000 comes with a very sleek looking design that is compact as well, there are no antenna's sticking out to get in the way of things as they are all housed internally.

For such a small price that is a pretty large list of pro's, let's see if the con's outweigh the pro's. First and foremost there are no gigabit ports, meaning you cannot directly wire your computer to the router itself, it only does wireless (which isn't much of a problem as we're looking at wireless routers). At such a low price we also sacrifice USB ports which would allow us to setup a wireless printing network so we can print from anywhere in the house and pick the printed papers up by the router. Lastly, the range is very acceptable for a household but if you plan on being out in the shed trying to pick up a wireless signal you may have a problem with speed.

Linksys E2000 Review

There are three different Linksys E series routers, the E1000, E2000, and E3000. The E2000 is the mid range router. The E1000 will give you the bare bones of whats necessary for a router and will decently get the job done, while the E2000 will give you that plus a few extra's you might want such as extended range (we'll get into specifics here very soon). The E3000 will give you the top of the line router with all the bells and whistles (the review can be found on our site).

In this linksys E2000 review let's take a look at what the technical specifications for the router to make sure everything is compatible with your system. It comes with the following wireless signals: 802.11n, 802.11g, 802.11b, 802.3, and 802.3u. You'll want to make sure your wireless card is compatible with one of these signals, there's a 99% chance it is but it's best to be safe. The router has the following ports: Power, Internet, and Ethernet (1-4). This is a pretty standard setup and everything checks out for the basics of the system.

Is the E2000 the router that will work best for you? Let's go into detail of the pro's and con's of the system and what you can expect out of it.

One of the big pro's of this system that steps it up a notch from it's predecessor the E1000 is it's increased range output. The E1000 worked fine for a family home but if you stretched out to the shed or out in the car you would have some speed and connection problems. The E2000 uses the MIMO system to increase bandwidth and range without using additional power. How's that for a pro. Another deluxe feature is the dual band system that let's you operate on different frequencies (2.4 Hz and 5 Hz) to avoid interference with any other electronics in the house. This can be a great feature if you have wireless phones running on the same channel or live in an apartment complex that has multiple routers streaming about. Security comes standard on all E series routers but it is good to mention how great it is. There is the ability to create several different channels each with varying levels of access ability and time limits. You can set up a childs network that only lets them surf on certain parts of the web and limits their amount of daily internet use as well to keep them from wasting hours aimlessly on the internet. Then the administrator network can be setup as well with a separate password that has free access to anything.

The installation is a breeze on the E series routers. There is an easy installation that will run you through everything you need to do to install it. Install time comes to about 5 minutes if you're fairly familiar with computers. Lastly, the final upgrade from the E1000 gives the E2000 4 gigabit ports that allow up to 4 direct wired connections.

One of the only cons we could find is there are no USB ports. USB ports would allow for a printer hookup at the router spot, which would enable you to send print signals to the router which would then tell the printer to print, essentially a rigged up wireless printer. It would also allow you to access files from a flash drive wirelessly when plugged into the USB port.

With the high amount of pro's and almost negligible con's we found this router to be a great deal for the price. It's not the bare bones minimum and not so loaded with features you don't even know what they are, it's a great mid range reliable router that will fill the needs of any home.

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Sunday 9 January 2011

Kindle DX Readers - What the Customers Think

Select your book, magazine, newspaper or blog from thousand of titles at and free content from other sites listed. These downloads can be made at any time of the day or night using the Free 3G wireless offered by Amazon. It doesn't matter where you are geographically as it only takes about 60 seconds to download and you are ready to settle into your favourite book. The fact that the 9.7" provides a larger viewing area and those with eyesight issues will find this model ideal. Amazon has formated the downloads to fit the screen size and the e-ink latest technology gives a better contrast with clearer text for easier vision.

How many times have you bought one of those thick novels that gives you endless hours of reading? You settle in and soon tire because you are having to hold up a massively heavy book whether it be hardcover or paperback. Not so with the DX as it is lightweight at just under 19 ounces so relax and enjoy for hours on end.

The DX model now supports PDF files with varied levels of zoon for small font format. Other file formats supported are txt, MP3, AAX, audible (formats 4), HTML, DOC, RTF, JPEG, GIF, PNG and BMP.

The ample storage capacity is 4GB and a USB cable included comes in handy for connections. Battery life is about 1 week if using wireless and up to 2-3 week with wireless disconnected. Lastly, one of the best things about the Kindle DX Reader is that it stands alone and does not require a computer to operate it. Note also that Whispersync technology synchronices your library to other devices such as iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, PC, Mac and Android.

What Does Spyware Do to Your Computer and How to Remove It

It is estimated that 9 out of 10 computers have some sort of spyware that has infected your computer. Here we are going to discuss some things that spyware can do to your computer. We are also gonna discuss how to remove it and prevent it from coming back.

What can spyware do to your computer?

Spyware can cause your computer to go very slow and sometimes it may even freeze or crash. People with Spyware on their computer don't even realize that there computer is infected with spyware because it runs in the background where you cant see it. It will also hijack your personal information like credit card numbers, financial information, and passwords. These are the most common. There is probably more that can get hijacked by spyware on your computer but these above are just some most common examples. Spyware was designed to be hard to remove. If you try to uninstall it like you would uninstall any other program, it will most likely show back up when you reboot your computer.

What can you do to remove spyware from your computer?

There are a good bit of quality spyware removal programs out there on the internet. A good basic tool that I like and works very well and it is called Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware. The best part about that program is that it is FREE!. They do have a paid version but the free version works just fine. Another one I would suggest is Ad Aware SE by LavaSoft which is free as well. AVG antispyware is a good one too. You will want to sure that you update the program after installing it. That goes for any spyware removal software program.

Remember that no spyware removal program is perfect. Each program is different and some may provide better results then others.

What can you do to keep your computer spyware free?

You should make sure you scan your computer once a week with your chosen spyware removal program to keep your computer working at its best potential and also protect your files and personal data.

You should consider running more then one anti spyware program on your computer (one scan at a time of course). This way you have a better chance of keeping your computer spyware free.

What should I do before I attempt to download a spyware removal program?

Research Google for reviews or ratings on the program that you are wanting to download. Make sure they are a good program that works and that the program is popular. If you don't do your research on the program, there is a small chance that you will end up with a paper weight program that don't do a very good job of removing the spyware and you will have to uninstall it so the program doesn't take up space on your hard drive. The junk spyware removal programs can also be spyware in disguise as well. So be careful and do some reaseach before downloading any program.

Thanks for reading my article about removing spyware.

Check us out at - If you need help with a computer problem or need a professional to remove the spyware then we can help.

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The Cataclysm Guide for Rogue [PBT Online]

The Cataclysm Guide for Rogue [PBT Online]

Back in the fantastic old days, rogues were stuck with what ever leather equipment that happened to drop. It didn't matter if it experienced spirit or durability on it, as we really experienced no other options. We could augment our pieces with a number of different enchants, but even all those were better suited for warriors. While sometimes it seemed as if there were a random number generator churning out tier loot, we happily scooped it up anyway. The class, and everyone else, was at the mercy of the itemization gods of Blizzard.

Times have changed quite a little since all those days. While we're still not in a position to craft customized pieces of equipment tailored to fit our every need, we're not stuck with caster stats anymore. With the number of dungeons and bosses available, coupled with the inclusion of justice points, there are a ton of options for nearly every slot on our character sheet. Enchanting has grown to encompass most of our gear, while reforging and the gem technique have taken equipment customization even further. Not only is there more equipment for being had, however the equipment we do get is a lot more malleable, allowing us to choose the perfect combination.

Enchanting is the very first step
The earliest profession (in WoW at least) is also home to a number of one of the most unique equipment customization available. Weapon enchants have particularly become quite interesting over the past number of iterations, and I'm always looking forward to what Blizzard will can be found up with next. Enchants are also the easiest way to increase your power at the beginning of an expansion, as the relative power of each enchant is greater when compared with your current gear.

What's important to remember is the fact that enchants are not created equal. Many enchants are substantially better than any other options, and so often there is really only one obvious choice for what you want to pick. one other prospective issue is cost, especially in these earlier several weeks of Cataclysm. Maelstrom Crystals are nearly impossible to find and will cost you a fortune from the auction house. Sometimes you have to settle to the second-best enchant, and that's okay. I would never pay hundreds or hundreds of gold to enchant a piece of equipment I'm heading to replace in a number of days either, merely because the return on purchase is so small. A 1% upgrade may well be worth 1,000 gold, but only for all those that get to utilize that 1% for a while.

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Some enchants are merely too expensive
When talking about weapon enchants, there's an obvious front-runner: Landslide. The only issue is the fact that the enchant requires five Maelstrom Crystals, and that's per weapon. With MC prices in the hundreds of gold, Hurricane is the a lot much less expensive alternative. If you're an assassination rogue and you're really wanting to pinch pennies, you can put Avalanche on your away hand and Hurricane on your main hand. Otherwise, stick with Hurricane on equally weapons, and you'll be set.

As I mentioned in a previous article, Ramkahen is exactly where you'll find your helm arcanums, and the Therazane sellers have your shoulder inscriptions (with the appropriate reputations, of course). You'll want to choose up a Scorched Leg Armor kit from a leatherworker, especially since the epic alternative, Dragonscale Leg Armor, is still pretty expensive on most servers. Finally, if you've got a decent belt, you can choose up a Ebonsteel Belt Buckle to add an extra socket. With a name like Ebonsteel Belt Buckle, I get a mental image of a huge, Texas-style belt buckle with some metal band's logo on it. Note that engineering tinkers and the belt buckle stack, so feel free to utilize both.

For true enchants, we typically want to concentrate on picking up our favorite stats. This usually signifies picking agility, as you'll see if you enchant your boots with agility and chest with stats. You'll choose up cheap haste for your bracers, since the better version is extremely expensive. While critical strike opportunity for your back is the only new enchant that we'd want on a cloak, it's way too expensive, and so you'll likely grab the old agility enchant instead.. Your glove enchant can vary dependant on your spec, with the options being haste for Mutilate and haste / knowledge for combat. Ieatpaperbag, formerly from my home server, has made a couple of awesome threads on Elitist Jerks that have all of this spelled out in detail.

Agility rules our gems
Let me say this first: It is never worth it to utilize a non-agility gem. If you're putting a gem into your gear, it really should always be both pure agility or an agility-hybrid with an additional stat. Agility is much and apart the best stat we have available, and there's no reason not to have agility on every gem. In fact, agility is so fantastic that it's often not worth it to choose up socket bonuses unless they're also agility. Blizzard redesigned the four core stats for being integral to their respective classes, and agility is no different.

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You'll be using Delicate Inferno Rubies in every single red-colored and prismatic (non-socket bonus) slot, as well as in any slots with weak socket bonuses. Assassination rogues can use Adept Ember Topazes to fill their yellow sockets with fantastic bonuses, while equally specs can use Deft Ember Topazes as well. Considering that the only fantastic "blue" stat is hit, you'll want Glinting Demonseyes in any blue sockets that yield a significant socket bonus. seek tips from a spreadsheet or use EP values to figure out the value and cost of each socket bonus to determine what your course of motion really should be.

Reforging is simple
Here's the secret to reforging your gear: take the worst stat on the equipment and turn it into your best stat that is not presently on the gear. If the equipment has your two best stats on it, then no reforging is necessary. Always reforge besides the worst stat and into your best stat. Now take into account that your worst and best stats will vary as your equipment up, particularly near to the hit and knowledge caps. You really should reforge every non-optimal piece of equipment you have, which will be many slots. The cost is minimal and the performance gain can be huge. Consider that hit rating (to the yellow cap) is nearly twice as fantastic for combat as mastery rating is. By merely swapping the stats around, you can turn a terrible piece of equipment in to a thing passable. Reforging doesn't fix everything, but you'll find yourself with fewer "dud" pieces of equipment after you're through. Thank you for your visiting! Have a good day!

Education/E-learning Software Development

Education industry has observed a tremendous change over the past few years. Due to this, the growth in e-learning software solutions and online learning solutions has increased dramatically and become popular mostly in schools & institutions of higher education. With the presence of the Internet and e-Learning solutions, it has become possible for institutions to impart education among ones in need of the same across the globe - all from a centrally located information hub. It has facilitated continuous learning for the professionals. The Professionals can continue with their profession while pursue the desired course via e-Learning, students can gather much deeper subject matter knowledge now. The advantages of e-learning are discussed here and these are. It improves the performance of the institution in providing quality education as well as helps the students attain better understanding of the subject being taught. It is an established truth that students, especially those in higher education, perform better when educated via e-Learning compared to the traditional class room systems. It facilitates the access to the instructors or teacher that have high caliber but stay on the other part of the world. Now students from across the globe can access instructor with high caliber and knowledge no matter how far they may be physically, geographically, or nationally, without any constraints.

Offer flexibility and convenience to the instructor as well as the learner. The e-learning solutions develops competencies and skills that are required to excel in the modern competitive environment.

If you're involved in the management of a company, then you know that an educated workforce is vital to keeping your business productive and relevant. If you haven't considered e-learning development to help train your employees, you should consider the option, which might just be more affordable and simple than you might think. Software Solutions for e-learning can help you advance education and prepare students for what's to come in many ways. The e-learning software solutions encourages anywhere, anytime learning by taking advantage of technologies that support distance learning to supplement and expand your offerings. With a unified communications solution, students and faculty can communicate from virtually anywhere using conferencing, video, VoIP and many other media.

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Verizon iPhone Doesn't Spell Disaster for AT&T

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Verizon is about to deliver a blow to AT&T when it ends the network's exclusive hold on the iPhone, but it definitely won't be the end of the world for the second largest carrier in the U.S.
Earlier this week, Verizon announced a press event next Tuesday in New York City. All signs indicate that Verizon will introduce the iPhone on its network and launch it in the next few weeks. At this point, nobody should be surprised: it's Apple's worst-kept secret.
Since the news broke about Verizon's event, there has been noshortage of media reports about the potential negative impact of the Verizon iPhone on AT&T. Some of it has devolved into (justifiable) AT&T bashing, and some predict that it'll be a major or even mortal blow to the nation's second largest network.
Let's take a step back and keep some objective perspective, though. While the Verizon iPhone will have a negative impact on AT&T, it's not going to break AT&T's back. The network has been preparing itself for the loss of its iPhone exclusivity contract for a long time. It's ready to do battle with Verizon.antenna-iphone-225.jpg
Huge Switching Fees
While a group of early adopters are likely to burn their contracts and switch to Verizon on day one, the vast majority of people will not. The reason is that the switching costs are simply too high.
AT&T made a smart business decision last year: they bumped up the iPhone's early termination fee. If consumers want to switch, the first fee they will have to pay is the ETF, giving AT&T even more money to pad its profits.
The second fee is the cost of the Verizon iPhone. The AT&T iPhone 4 is based on UMTS 3G technology, while the Verizon iPhone will be based on Verizon's CDMA 3G tech. The result is that consumers will have to buy a new iPhone and a new contract. While they can sell their AT&T iPhones, it won't offset the cost of a new contract and it definitely won't offset the cost of that early termination fee.
While some consumers can afford to switch, the vast majority don't have that kind of money and are on family plans that they won't abandon immediately.
There is at least one more switching fee for AT&T users who want to jump to Verizon: the switch from UMTS to CDMA. UMTS is a more prevalent 3G standard for a simple reason: it's a better technology. AT&T actually does have the fastest 3G network in the U.S. and it does have the advantage of being able to send and receive data and voice at the same time, while the Verizon iPhone will not be able to do data while on a phone call.