Monday 15 November 2010

Upgrading OpenSolaris to Oracle Solaris 11 Express

Today Oracle released Solaris 11 Express and, as described in the Getting Started Guide, there's plenty of installation options:
  • An interactive GUI installer in a LiveCD.
  • A text installer.
  • An automated installer.
  • An upgrade path from OpenSolaris.

Yes. If you're running some OpenSolaris machines while waiting for the release that never came, here's the option for you. The upgrade instructions are detailed in the Solaris 11 Express Release Notes:
  • If your preferred publisher is not (release), set it:

# pkg set-publisher -P -O

  • Perform an image-update:

# pkg image-update

  • Reboot into the new boot environment.
  • Set the new publishers:

# pkg set-publisher --non-sticky
# pkg set-publisher --non-sticky extra
# pkg set-publisher -P -g solaris

  • Read the license:

# pkg image-update 2>&1 | less

  • If you accept the license, perform the last image-update:

# pkg image-update --accept

  • Reboot into your brand new Oracle Solaris 11 Express boot environment

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