Monday, 31 August 2009

Setting up SSH client access with TortoiseSVN

If you read so far, you're probably running your own Subversion repositories on your Solaris box. Fine! Now, let's face the next problem: some of your users needs access from a Windows client. They installed their favorite Subversion client, TortoiseSVN, and tried to checkout your repositories. But no, it does not work.

Setting up users

The first thing to do is setting up properly a bunch of user accounts for your client. If you haven't done yet, it's time to do it, now. Read here.

Preparing some keys for your users

As I told you in my previous post, the best option you have is setting up some public key for your users: configuration on the server side will be easier and your users won't need to enter a password every time they connect to your repositories. If you don't know how to do it, read this other post.

Configure TortoiseSVN

Many people get stuck here. Windows lacks the basic set of commands you need to interact with your remote system over an encrypted connection using the SSH protocol. It may sound strange to you faithful UNIX user but unfortunately that's the truth. Programs such as TortoiseSVN bring their own implementation of the SSH client, although specifically, TortoiseSVN lets you choose an alternate external client. The problem because of which people get stuck is that TortoiseSVN configuration GUI does no mention what-so-ever of SSH authentication. Nothing. That's why, once more, you should rely to The Manual just to discover that TortoiseSVN brings with it a PuTTY client, Plink, which is the command line interface to PuTTY backends.

The problem now reduces to configuring PuTTY to use a public key to authenticate you, save the session configuration and... remember its name! As Plink will use the same configuration registry as your standalone PuTTY, you'll be done.

Checkout your repository

Now that PuTTY is configured, you can check out your first repository over an SSH connection. Just remember not to use the server's URL and use PuTTY session name instead.

Now you should be able to:
  • interact with your Solaris-hosted repositories from your Windows clients...
  • ... with TortoiseSVN...
  • ... and without typing any password.

Moreover, if you set up your Solaris user accounts as I explained you in another post, the key you distributed to your user won't let them even login into your system. You and you're sysadmin will be happy!

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