Monday, 3 November 2008

Sun xVM VirtualBox 2.0.4 has been released

In less than two months Sun xVM VirtualBox version 2.x has undergone the third minor revision and VirtualBox 2.0.4 has been released.

As a long time VirtualBox user, I'm pleased to see this product evolve. I'm running Debian 4.0 testing, Ubuntu 8.10, Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP on a Solaris Nevada (b101 actually) guest on an HVM capable machines and it's a long time I'm not experiencing any problem during my daily life with VirtualBox. And now that version 2.x introduced support for 64 bits kernels, I think I'm not going to install a brand new image in a very long time: I have a backup of a snapshot of the Virtual Machines in a ZFS snapshot and whenever I rollback or clone an image, it's a no-brainer 5 minutes work.

The product covers almost 100% of my needs: the only thing I would really like to see in VirtualBox is audio input support for Solaris guests.

Looking forward to see Sun xVM server released:

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